Hello, and I would be happy to answer your question today.
Birth control pills work by preventing ovulation, so you are protected against
pregnancy all month, even in your pill-free week. As long as you are not off active pills for more than 7 days, there is no reason you should ovulate during your pill-free interval.
In addition, the pill is most effective when taken around the same time every day without forgetting any, and it sounds like you have been very responsible for taking your medication.
The pill is completely reversible however, so if you completely start taking it, you can conceive even in your first cycle. The pill is out of your system in 24-48 hours, which is why taking them every day is necessary to protect against pregnancy. There is no evidence that being on the pill will change your
fertility potential when you are ready to become pregnant.
I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that this information was reassuring.
Best wishes,
Dr. Brown