HI doctor,
I am 30 year old and its 2 years since i have married.this is my first pregnancy.I had an subchorionic haemorrhage in 6th week of pregnancy and was advised to take fertigyn 5000IU till 16th week. My 3rd month ultra sound scan was normal. babys age was lagging by 1 week 4 days...after 16th week i was given progesterone and estrogen. in 18 th week my triple results were abnormal. US scan revealed thick placenta of 9* 4cm, delayed growth of long bones (Femur) and advised for review scan in 22 week, US scan revealed again long bone delayed growth and showed only 2% growth and dysmorphic placenta with 4.5cm thickness. doctor said placenta is inhibiting the babys growth. i had an Induced abortion. Autopsy revaealed focal areas of placental congestion, what does it mean?
Can you pleASE tell me is it because of fertigyn, because my subchorionic bleeeding was small and measure 11*13mm?
Why the placenta was grown so big in a matter of month and inhibited the babys growth?
Wll my next baby be normal?