In June of 2011 I got into a small car accident. I went to the hospital after the accident and all they did was put the monitor on me to make sure the baby was okay. The day before the accident I had an ultrasound and the tech noticed that my amniotic fluid was low, but I wasn't told this. The next day I had an appointment with my ob, before the accident, and all she told me was to get some rest, drink plenty of fluids, and that the weight of the baby was a little low. 2 weeks after the accident I had another ultrasound and the tech had me go see my ob. She told me that the amniotic fluid was lower and that I had to go see a specialist. I went to see the specialist the next day and she also said it was very low. Two days after my OB told me to go to the hospital so they can monitor the baby and do another ultrasound. Since the fluid was lower than the day before, even after a night of being on an IV, they delivered the baby. The baby was completely fine, they told me she had swallowed all the fluid that was being put into me. Everything else was fine with the pregnancy, nothing wrong with the baby or with anything else inside me. So my question is, even though they noticed low fluid the day before, could the accident have caused the fluid to go down even more and eventually lead to the premature birth of my daughter?