I have low testosterone, 225, at the age of 23 (male), and I also have ptosis in my left eye. My doctor has me on Cymbalta for depression, and will start taking Testim in two weeks for the low testosterone. I have been on Cymbalta for 3 months and started taking the supplement tribulus (boosts low t) and feel a little bit more stable. My question is this, can ptosis of the eye be caused by low testosterone or is this sign of myasthenia gravis, since starting the Cymbalta my ptosis has started to fade, my left eye only starts to droop when stressed or if its close to bed time. I'm more alert now, can talk in complete sentences without stuttering or slurring, and feel a little more connected. Could something else possibly be going on or is it just low testosterone, I have had a lot of blood test done and so far the doctors say all my numbers are where they should be, only thing off is the testosterone.