A person with
ptosis will have no impairment of vision if the lower margin of the upper eyelid remains above the pupil.
When there is
visual impairment or for cosmetic reasons, surgical repair should be done.
I am sorry to learn that your son was born with a number of defects at birth.
Rather than focus on his eyes only, it will be to his benefit long-term for him to be evaluated initially by a behavioural-developmental paediatrician or a genetics paediatrician, a doctor who might be able to give a diagnosis for what is wrong overall.
Then this doctor can refer your son to each pediatric specialist-for heart, eye, speech, and pediatric neurology.
All of these special doctors can best be found at a large hospital medical center with a medical school.
It will be best if you can make his first appointment with the behavioural-development paediatrician or the genetics paediatrician.
I wish I could ask you how your son has been doing since the last time you asked your questions on
Ask a Doctor.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Take care
Dr Arnold Zedd, Pediatrician