Hi, Doc today after I ran approx. 30-40mins I was sweating tremendously to the point where my eyes started to burn and I could basically began to taste it, I had to use the restroom and just at the right underneath the foreskin my penis burned as I urinated. I have showed no symptoms that I have contracted an STD, I have only sex with 2 women in the past 3 months unprotected and I have gone between the same women. One women has been tested and nothing was found, the other women has only had intercourse with me. Like said I have only felt the burn today and its only been in that foreskin area within my penis. Could sweat cause this sudden burn?
I am 22, male, 6'3, 206lbs.
I have had a previous STD (chlamydia) for an ex, that I no longer have relations with. Other than I have no complications of any kind in regards of this matter.