Hey there, I m a 36 year young woman who was rear ended in a car accident.. I was at a stoplight at the time. I have had MRI s done and they showed herniated discs in my low back L5 S1 being one of them.. I have pain that radiates from my low back down my buttocks , down my leg into my knee and then into my foot.. My three little toes are numb and tingling , and it gos on the back of my heel, with grinding hip pain too... I m suppose to go in for a spinal injection next mo... Now I have pain that radiates down my left side of my neck down into my shoulder and throbs and continuing on the inside of my arm down into my hand and there is numbness and tingling in my hand but also seems like it radiates down my leg all the way into my left foot... What would you say is the cause.. Can it be related to my low back injury? I