Hello, my husband (55, 6 3, 300+) is on his second night of unrelenting dizziness , nausea, and vomiting. We went through all this last night, but after some sleep appeared to be better this morning, Come mid day it started up all over, dizziness, nausea, profuse cold sweating, and difficulty walking, almost rubbery legs. He has taken a bucket to bed, and is going into vomiting fits every 10 min or so. His primary complaint is the spinning dizziness. He is a cardiac patient, and recently received his 4 time a yr botox injections in his upper cervical and neck area for fibromyalgia . I can t get anything into him (such as ginger) to quell the vomiting, but it s just a violent reflex action as he has nothing more to vomit with. He doesn t want to go to an ER. Needless to say, I am quite worried and feeling a bit helpless at this point. Thanks for any insights.