Do not worry, your daughter is entering the "adoloscence"-age-stage, which is usually associated with such face-skin problems due to
hormonal changes.
It is good that you are trying to keep her face as clean as possible. However, this is not enough. Usually, I do recommend as following:
- face-skin cleansers and lotions to wash the face to remove the impurities
- Then, rinse well and apply an antibiotic ointment (available in the market or instant-prepared). Antibiotic cream is helpful as
acne are prone to infections, which are best treated with antibiotic creams. I usually recommend
Erythromycin cream, which is very effective for at least 2 weeks.
This treatment is applied (antibiotic cream) only at bedtime, meanwhile, during the day, you can use the face cleansers.
- In addition, although recent studies are giving contradictory results regarding the foods; I, personally, have seen improvement in my patients when they have changed their diet strategy: less fatty and sugary foods, and less chocolate.
You can discuss with your doctor for the best option for your daughter's case.
Hope it helped!