Hi, my baby is a premature born in my 8th month of pregnancy with weight as 950 grams at birth. we kept her in NICU for 1 month and doctor said that her health is fine, she required only little bit of oxygen . now she is in her 9th month but her weight gain is very low and she is nearly 5kg now. i have started solids for her from 6th month onwards, now in her 9th month i am giving her - 2 times rice with dhal and ghee and 1 time cerelac and 1 apple boiled and mashed and 3 to 4 times dexolac milk substitute, at night she sleeps a lot 10hrs continuously and in day time 1-2 hrs 2-3 times. she is not able to sit and not able to crawl yet. so, could you please suggest me , how should i improve her weight gain and can you suggest any doctor whom i can consult regularly in hyderabad. Please respond ASAP . Thanks in advance.