Good evening Dr. My daughter is 1 year old, last 2 weeks ago she bomitt with a blood and she also keep watery pooing, i bring her to the dr, the dr. call me to examine her stool , and the result was all none negative, the dr. told me nothing to worry on the blood according to the result of poo laboratory, she said the reason why she have watery poo it because of AGE VIRAL so we made a medication for that her poo became better after medication. Then after a couple of days she wake up this morning got fever so i decided to give medication for fever and shes became ok, but she keep pooing its a little amount of but the poo got look mucus and little bit of blood, the color was fresh red, everytime she poo always got a blood,. When i try to see her ashole i saw that there is small area of wound. I really worried can u give me advice for this. Thank you!