My husband is a chronic alcoholic..he has had seizures and been hospitized 3 times. I suspect he has been drinking again. He has had another seizure about a week ago. He went to work for a day and during that one day, had the seizure at the end of the day. I accused him of drinking alot during the day and he denied it. The day after the seizure, his whole face swelled up. I thought it was an allergic reaction to something on the job. We have argued that he needs to go to the doctor, but he will NOT go. He now has black stools and black vomit. This is the same thing that I saw in the hospital when he went thru the DTs. I need to know what I can give him at home to help. He will not go to the hospital again. I have tried. I know they gave him potassium andn vit B, and other vitamins due to the electrolites, but what else can I do to help? He does understand that he has to cut it back and he has a problem. He just can t cut it off. I am trying to make him drink some alchohol a little but monitored. I am just lost here. He can t just quit. I need to know what is happening with the black stools and vomiting and what I need to give him. He will not go to the ER!