I m a young woman in my early 20‘s, in good health and not overweight. I ve been having chest pain for over a year now. I’ve had 4 Holter monitors, chest X-rays, blood tests, and 2 stress tests; I ve also been to a heart specialist and nothing was determined. I don t find it gets worse with stress, it doesn t get better laying down or sitting up, I don t get dizzy, and it hasn t gotten worse as the months go by. It can occasionally spread pain to my back, jaw and left arm. Deep breaths cause a slight increase in pain. The pain seems localized on the left side and center of my chest. It will get worse with heavy lifting, but not jogging. Food or weather don t affect it, but lack of sleep will make the pain more intense. The only other symptom that came around the same time is extreme tiredness, plus I suffer from chronic migraines and have for 12 years. Please help! Thank you Child, but like I said above, I’ve had a stress test and blood work. To clarify further, I’ve had full labs done and a physical. Nothing was found.