Hi Doc, First went to see my surgeon for my wisdom teeth because I had an infection to the gum area and it as swelling and hurting. The dentist/surgeon gave me amoxicillin for 2 week. My surgery was schedule right after my medication ended. My wisdom teeth were extraxted and I was prescibed again amoxicillin and porcacet. After the 3rd day taken those medication, I felt my tongue numb and no taste. I was old that can be a lingual nerve. However, I stopped taken Amoxicillin for 2 days and I was feeling to get better, less numb and getting a little more taste to food. Today, I took the amoxicillin again, and my tongue feels more numb, and no taste, for tingling and burning cold hot feeling that was fading away. You think that instead of having a lingual nerve damage because of the surgery, I can be allergic to the Amoxicillin and if so, would I be able to get my taste and normal tongue back???