Thank you for posting your query.
I have noted your details. Large gliosis in the
temporal lobe seen in the CT suggests a past history of
brain injury. It may lead to
epilepsy, however, as you suggested, your symptoms are not suggestive of epilepsy. So, in my opinion, you do not require epilepsy medications.
The cause of your
memory loss needs to be investigated. Serum
vitamin B12 level and thyroid profile may be done.
I hope my reply has helped you.
I would be pleased to answer, if you have any follow up queries or if you require any further information.
Best wishes,
Dr Sudhir Kumar MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist
Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad,
For DIRECT QUERY to me: http://bit.ly/Dr-Sudhir-kumar
My blog: http://bestneurodoctor.blogspot.com/