I have been sick for 3 yrs now since contracting MRSA/cellulitis. Since then I have never been the same. Severe fatigue, weakness, developed numerous food sensitivities, joint and bone pain in my lower legs and spine. Fatigue is always present, but becomes severe in seconds, can barely walk or talk. Severe dizziness. blood pressure varies from low to high. Pressure dropped numerous times on tilt test, but regulated quickly. GI symptoms severe, take 80 mgs of pantropozole and drink gaviscon during the night to go back to sleep.
DX with Celiac 7/2012, benign neuroendocrine tumor in pancreas 7/2012, history of MGUS, Fibroadenoma in breast 6/2013.
tested for lupus, Lyme, Myesthenia Gravis, RA, had brain MRI to rule out MS (6/2012) eeg to rule out seisures. immunologist ruled out CVID. ekg and ech fine.
quality of life has greatly diminished. Walking across a store or driving to an appointment can bring on severe fatigue and weakness symptoms. My body feels hijacked by this, and I am powerless. It can last for an hour before it lifts, and it can leave me exhausted for days to weeks. This hits out of the blue, where I can be laughing and having a great time and all of a sudden I am powerless.