hi there,
what your experiencing is pre menstrual syndrome.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a wide range of physical or emotional symptoms that typically occur about 5 to 11 days before a woman starts her monthly menstrual cycle. The symptoms usually stop when
menstruation begins, or shortly thereafter.
The most common physical symptoms include:Abdominal fullness, feeling gaseous,Bloating of the abdomen,Breast tenderness,Clumsiness,
Constipation or
diarrhea,Food cravings,Headache,Less tolerance for noises and lights
Other symptoms include:Confusion,Difficulty concentrating,Fatigue,Feelings of sadness or hopelessness,Feelings of tension, anxiety, or edginess,Forgetfulness,Irritable, hostile, or aggressive behavior, with outbursts of anger toward self or others,Loss of sex drive (may be increased in some women),Mood swings,Poor judgment,Poor self-image, feelings of guilt, or increased fears,Sleep problems (sleeping too much or too little),Slow, sluggish, lethargic move.
considering all this there might be chances of u being pregnant if u have had
unprotected intercourse so i recommend you to do a urine pregnany test to rule out any possibilities.