My 78 year old wife has had type 2 diabetes mellitus for 20 years. For 1st 6 years she was on dietary management only. She was then put on an oral hypoglycemic when her HgbA1c went above 6. Presently on Cozaar 25 mg, glipizide 10 mg bid, Zocor 60 mg daily. BP has always been normal, lipid panel, creatinine, and liver studies all normal. In the past year her FBSs has jumped into the 140 range and her HgbA1c is 7.4. In my medical group, most physicians will accept a HgbA1c below 7 though the normal is 6. Normal FBS is below 99. My question: can she get better control of her lab numbers with other meds rather than glipizide bid? I understand that there are meds which might give her better glycemic control and that glipizide in conjunction with such meds may give her less hypoglycemic episodes, which clinically she may experience once a month. I have heard that better control of diabetes may be of value in dementia; in her case loss of short term memory and loss of focus are early but not debilitating symptoms. I would like some advice before contacting her internist. Thanks for your help.