Sir, I am sending all of symtom and reports and desired to ask medical advice Medical History and various Reports of AAAAAA Myself isdiabetic , and affected to me from around 2000. Though initially it was very nominal but after 2008 this has increases.Though I have not measured but It was around from 199 to 355 after BF or Before BF but luckily there was no side effect Observed I presumed . Though due to Contract in my left eye, it was operated in around aug 2006 I joined UTCL 2007 and was very active on duty. In 1208 I was fallen in bath room, though I presumed this happned normally and no effect of diabetic.Initially I received treatment in Asha Hospital Anantpur, Where I received treatment of so many injuctions and calcium . Tab Dr diagnosed me a disie whicth genrelly affect those person who serves in Saudi Arab or surroundings. Later at Apollo hospital Hydrabad. Where after MRI they denied all other disease then backache . In the beginning of 2009 I felt a bit unbalance while walking .Initially I ignored but later Self reported to MH secundrabad where CT scene carried & there after in Yasoda Hospital where MRI has done. they have given some treatment but conveyed me it will not be okayed. Then myself gone to CH vellure they told It is due to diabetic effect and as and when dabitic is reduced then it will reduced.On treatrment they genrally given me medicine of diabetic even nuro. advice of some doctor I under gone Gin Test qwhere found NAD report Then in 2012 my self undergone abdomen test found NAD Later undergone MRI of brain and Cervical spin the report Shown no change from earlier.Treatment: Apart the Diabetic I undergone Dr P sudhakers medicine more or less same medicine for one year but no improvement. Symptom 1. My self is diabetic. 2. I am having this dises since 2000 3. Initially my sugar level was normal but in last one-two year it was 360 to 400 but after treatment from Mohan diabetic Hyderabad and when my self started tasking Insuline Nova Mix this come down to around 170. 4. From two years , when I use to walk or after long sitting , I found losing balanmces. 5. Initially it is lesser but now it is in horriable. 6. My self cannot mov with loosing balances 7. Now I am feeling abnormal while I am writing , This causing my signature. 8. I am loosing My sexual abilities. 9. Some time I am dreaming and some time in dream become violent. Buit it is now reducing. 10 My age is around 59 Years 10 Genarally My voice is not clear this I am observing sionce last six month Thanks AAAA 0000