Your sugar levels are tremendously high and is playing havoc with your life.
I understand your grief regarding your mother's death but this is how life goes.
You should not neglect yourself as high sugar and
dyslipidemia can cause emergency to you.
You must abide by the instruction of your doctor,take regular treatment and make sure that your sugar levels and high lipid levels are controlled as early as possible to avoid future micro as well as macro vascular complications.
Reduce your calorie intake.
Do regular exercises for 40 minutes a day.
Avoid sweets ,junk foods,deep fried foods and colas.
Keep visiting your doctor regularly and keep getting yourself tested regularly.
Loss of weight is caused by
uncontrolled diabetes and once sugar levels are brought to normal ,your weight shall stabilise and get better.
Remember apart from taking regular medicines,regular
aerobic exercises are must for you.