I am 57 years old and have beeen diagnosed with PD for the past 2 years 4 months. I take 2 mg Pramipexole; 10 mg Sellegeline; Vitamen E (800IU); 1 gm Valproic Acid (I had epileptic seizures in 2000, 2006 & 2011); and 100 mg. aspirin. I have been getting sudden jolts from my abdomen towards my chest more or less on a daily basis which lasts no more than a second or two. They are quite unpleasant, although not painful; it's as if I am going to loose consciousness, Also, over the past few weeks, my ankles and lower feet have begun to swell a Little. I seem to have more phlegm in my bronquial tubes that I have to try and cough up at times. I got a blood testj done; my Monocites were 10% / 728, the rest within normal parametres. I also underwent a doppler test and the circulation in my legs is basically fine.