Hello. My name is Tiffany. I have some concerns regarding my epilepsy disorder. Will you be able to help?
I was diagnosed with epilepsy since the age of nine. At the time, I had seizures while I was sleeping. Thank God that I was sleeping with my mother at the time. I was hospitalized, and also had an EEG. However, the results for the EEG showed that everything was normal, but my neurologist put me on medication for about three years. My neurologist took me off the medication because he said that I was stable. About four years ago, I had another episode while I was asleep. Again, thank God my boyfriend was there. I went to the doctor and was hospitalized once again, and once again, the EEG showed that everything was normal, but he put me on medication (Lamictil) once again. I've never had another episode until a year and a half ago, while I was asleep once again. This time, my seizure was really different. I woke up, not remembering anything that had happened the day before. I didn't know what time, what day, what month, or what year it was that morning. I had no idea why my boyfriend was next to me, and I was completely clueless about everything. I went to the hospital, and once again, the neurologist put me on another medication (Carbamapazine), and once again, EEG results showed nothing. I've been on these two medications since then. Well, I haven't been able to go back for follow-ups because I do not have insurance anymore. I cut down my medications from twice a day to once a day because about six months ago, I fainted. When I went to the hospital, the doctors told me that it was possible that it was the medications. The dose was too high. Because I do not have insurance anymore, I cut down the meds on my own. The slowly, I just stopped taking me meds because I feel fine. Well, for the past week, I've been feeling really weird in the morning. I can't really describe the feeling, but it's a mixture of feeling depressed, and just....weird. I do remember everything from the day before, and I'm completely conscious and aware of my surroundings and everything else. However, I wake up feeling really tired, but couldn't fall back asleep, in addition to this really "weird" and depressing feeling that I cannot really describe. My question is, is it possible that I've been having seizures in my sleep? Or is it the fact that I stopped taking the medications? I'm not sure if this has anything to do with me not being on the medications anymore. I'm a bit confused and worried.