I had an ablation on Sept 30 2011...when I woke up from the surgery, I regretted immediately. I have never had cramps that would begin to compare to what I went thru then and the nurses said they could not give me more pain medication. It hurt that night also, but by the next day it was 90% less and I no longer had to be in bed. Since that time, I have spotted maybe 10 times, never bled bright red or had a period. I am completely satisfied w/that part of my surgery. However, since my ablation, I have noticed a very significant drop in my libido. I am 37 and this has NEVER been a problem for me. I'm tryin to find out if the ablation is the cause of it and, if so, if there is something I can take to improve the problem...any feedback would be appreciated. I have never experienced multiple orgasms in my life and i'm at a point that I really want that, however, if I can barely achieve one...I wonder if multiple orgasms is even posssible....PLEASE HELP ME!!!