HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Dizziness is one of the most common symptoms that can occur. It can be a lightheaded sensation or vertigo which is the feeling of movement usually a spinning movement.
Vertigo is most commonly caused problems of the
inner ear. The most common inner ear conditions are meniere's disease,
vestibular neuronitis and BPPV ( stands for benign paroxsymal positional vertigo).
Meniere's disease is usually associated with
hearing loss and tinnitus, the dizziness lasts for minutes to hours at a time when it occurs.It is treated with a low salt diet and the use of diuretics.
BPPV -these episodes of dizziness lasts for a few seconds and occur when the person places the head in particular positions
Vestibular neuronitis- these episodes can last for hours or days , associated with nausea and may follow a viral illness.
She should consider consulting an
ENT specialist for assessment.
I hope this helps