Hello, thanks for using HCM.
from the symptoms you have cited, it seems to me you have a gastroenteritis which could be febrile or afebrile depending on whether you have a temperature or not. Viruses are the main causes of gastroenteritis in which case symptoms are limited to pains, vomiting,
diarrhea, weakness and without fever nor bloody stools.
Viral gastroenteritis usually clears off within a few days and re-hydration is corner stone of treatment. However, they are other possible causes such bacterial infections( in which case there is usually associated fever, in some cases bloody stools and antibiotics are required), food
poisoning ( which affects most people who ate the same food)and food allergies which is always the case after taking a particular food.
Vomiting and diarrhea could have severe consequences such as de-hydration and
electrolyte imbalance. I will recommend you see a doctor for an appropriate evaluation and diagnosis. Mean while, you could take ripe banana and carrots to help cut down the
watery stools.