I think I might have a bone disorder, but I'm not sure. I'm a 20 year old female and I have broken 35 different bones, some of which(fingers, toes, right foot, and collarbones) have broken multiple times. I have a fake kneecap as a result of a rollerskating accident when I was 12. I had a titanium plate and 8 screws put into my ankle to fix a spiral fracture to my fibula last month as well. I also have very soft teeth. I take supplements(calcium citrate+vitamin D) but any calcium I consume ends up in my urine. What could be wrong with me? Should I be concerned with this? Until recently none of my doctors have taken notice of my poor orthopedic health, and I am concerned that something could be wrong. I'm young and want to live a normal life, and not have to worry about breaking myself. Why would a doctor not have addressed this before, and is it possible that I might have some kind of bone disorder?