Hallow dear,
I can understand your apprehension about
Please try to understand the patho-physiology of
PCOS. I will not teach you the complete chapter of PCOS; however, if you understand that one of the causative factor or pathology in PCOS is that the tissues are not or less sensitive to
insulin in the body. The same pathology is in
diabetes also. However, all the PCOS women need not have overt diabetes, they may develop it later also. Hence now a days there is a scientific trend in taking steps to increase the tissues sensitivity to insulin while managing PCOS cases.
Obimet is a medicine which contains
Metformin as active ingredient. Methformin is insulin sensitizer; i.e. it increases tissues sensitivity to insulin and thus the insulin which otherwise remains unutilized starts getting utilised by the tissues. Therefore now a days we are using Metformin in the management of PCOS. Please understand that
anovulation is only one window of PCOS. It is a disorder of complete body - cardiovascular, metabolic and reproductory. That is why there is waist obesity found in PCOS patients.
So please have no doubt in your mind and have faith in your doctor. You have been rightly prescribed Obimet. Do take these tablets. They help in reducing the weight and the waist obesity along with helping the ovulation by ovulatory medicines.
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