Dear sir/ma am Iam a diabetic patient from long go and was detected when i was teen, my mother was a high diabetic patient and died at the age of 32.i am a hypertention person which is very bad for my sugar level. Now iam 30 years old single , before my life was not as i was an orphan lad, bought up by my elder sister s family. I have to do house hold work along with my study and earning since standard I could not enjoy good study. Which was my dream, which always make me sad. For that reason or other, i always feel tension. I observe that my sugar level control if i do long walk or hard work with organic green tea but level rise abruptly for sleepless ness or tension.earlier i was give high dose of insulin when it was detected it 30 in the morning and 20 in evening. But my insulin stop as my sugar level shows diffrent history, after changing the dose to 20 ad 10. I use to faint, since the if i take insulin(huinsulin 30/70 40 iu), my body use swell and have a very acute pain in my head. Now i am having a sugar level( fasting 340.15 mg/dl pp 382.03 mg/dl) and also have problem of indigesion and weakness my doctor advice me geminor m2 ,sorliv tricholine &sorbitol solution, and emmunstar- gold. Is the good for me.please adivce. You faithfully pradeep.