i am 41 yr old women who is periomenapausal and recently found out that i have a tumor on adrenal gland also a cyst and thyroiditis. last april and may 09 i had i series of 3 kenalog 40 cervical injections to c 5. in less than 2 weeks after these injections my hair started falling out, severe acne to dry skin, insomnia, anxiety, skin rashes, blisters, severe night sweats and in the day time also. also my periods became so bad i had to have a dnc and ablation done in nov 09 to stop the bleeding. i have been on yasmin continuosly since sept 09 to control hormones and bleeding. i also have sufferd with heart palpatations and worsening stomach and bowel issues, mood swings, depression, joint aches in knees. there are more but cant remember all right now. some of these side effects have lessoned but not much and i am still loosing my hair. can these injections cause this and what permanent damage will happen. or will these issues go away. please help i feel like im loosing it. thankyou geri