Hi, thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. It is good that you have almost ruled out all signs of dangerous
head injury. Slight
disorientation can occur due to head blow/shaking which occurred due to injury, medication which were given to you. To rule out disorientation, you can check it by yourself
: Try to identify and remember name of family members or close friends
: Ask your care provider to ask you simple questions like
What is the place?
What is the time, date?
If you can correctly answer about time, place and person, it means your orientation is almost normal. No need to worry about that.
If you can not answer the above mentioned questions, kindly consult ER. Ct head might be needed in your case to find out any trauma to temporal or
frontal lobe of brain. As these lobes control memory and orientation. If large bleed, it may need surgical evacuation. However I doubt that you will be having any severe injury.
If you answer all questions, you need not to worry. You can follow few tips to get more relief
: Maintain hygiene at staple site
: Avoid pressure at injury site
: Keep head at higher level than chest to drain swelling/blood from injury site
: You can take antibiotics like Coamoxyclav after prescription
: You can take painkiller with anti-inflammatory like
Diclofenac sodium after prescription
Ask doctor to remove staples after 8-10 days depending upon wound status.
Hope it will help you. Thanks. Take care.
If still in doubt,
consult doctor or do let me know.
Dr Ishu Bishnoi