Hello margo!
if your ct scans are clear then i ams ure migraine is the only possibility for this chronic symptoms.
you will need
Reduction of migraine triggers (eg, lack of sleep, fatigue, stress, certain foods)
Nonpharmacologic therapy (eg, biofeedback,
cognitive-behavioral therapy)
Integrative medicine (eg, butterbur,
riboflavin, magnesium, feverfew,
coenzyme Q10)
and alot of avoidance food triggers.
Below mentioned diet is like a poison to you so avoid them to avoid migraine
Alcohol - Particularly wine and beer
Caffeine overuse or caffeine withdrawal
Aspartame - eg, NutraSweet and Equal
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) - May be found in Asian food, canned soup, frozen or processed foods, and the seasoning product Accent
Fruits - Citrus fruits, bananas, avocados, and dried fruit
Nuts - Peanuts, soy nuts, and soy sauce
Tyramine, a biogenic amine that accumulates in food as it ages, may provoke migraine. Sources include the following:
Dairy - Aged cheese
Meat - Bacon, sausage, luncheon meat, deli meat, pepperoni, and smoked or cured meat
Pickled foods
Heavily yeasted breads - Eg, sourdough
Vinegars - Especially wine vinegar
Some types of beans
If the problem persists seek the
psychiatrist for pharmacotherapeutic management
s khan