Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
Generally, fingering cannot result in a
Also, pre ejaculatory fluid can lead to pregnancy at times, however you have not mentioned if any penetrative vaginal sex occurred.
Sperm cannot survive outside in the hostile environment for 5 minutes, according to me, the chances of a pregnancy resulting from the encounter described are next to nil.
If there was no vaginal penetration, then pregnancy cannot occur.
However, if you are very concerned, you can still ask her to take ECP (
emergency contraceptive pill ) as a precautionary measure.
When taken within 120 hours of unprotected sex, it is more than 80 % effective in guarding against a pregnancy.
The expected period can be preponed or postponed for almost a week, after taking the ECP
So there is no way to predict the next date of her period.
To be on the safer side, if you think there was some chance of a pregnancy please take a pregnancy test 4 weeks after the episode occurred.
All the best
Take care.