So about 6 years ago while single I spent a day heavily masturbating (withholding orgasm .. edging , and using a tight grip), and at the end had one particularly long session. I was extremely horny and rock hard when suddenly my erection went rubbery. It was still the normal size, but soft. Not rigid. I thought I was just exhausted, so I finished while in this weird soft erect state. However, since then I suddenly do not have rigid erections. In the morning/my sleep If I feel like I have an erection, I put my hand down my pants, but its flaccid. I occasionally have a dull ache down the right side of my penis while flaccid though that s been happening much less. Have not had one single morning erection since that time. I ve been able to masturbate for awhile and get an erection, but its a different process that I m used to. I no longer get rigid early. Prior, I would begin to get rigid immediately and maintain rigidity even if i wasnt fully engorged. Like, the core would be rock hard. Now, the opposite occurs. It starts to engorge (very very very slow process) but is incredibly soft. Eventually I can masturbate and squeeze my PC muscles/thighs until I am fully erect and I d say about 75% rigid. And while that s decent, and good enough for penetration, it s still bendable and only happens JUST when I m about to orgasm. I ve been able to orgasm when soft because of this. My thigh/ groin get real sore from clenching. Takes a lot of work, there s no way any girl will be able to get me that far. I used to get rock hard just making out. I know there aren t Urologists on here, but I called for an appointment at a large hospital here in the city and they told me there was only 1 Dr at the hospital who did erectile dysfunction and there was a 2+ month wait. Does anyone know what this sounds like though? I ve scoured the internet and not found a good reason. To me, it seems like during that prolonged masturbation I either: damaged veins OR somehow kills off cells in my penile tissue . Both seem like there would be no cure. This is a brutal devastating thing for a young 25 year old male that is otherwise fit, thin, and healthy. I m afraid to begin a new relationship now... edit: I ve seen no improvement in the 2 months, even when I try going 4-5 months without masturbating.