for no apparent reason, I experienced pain in the sternum area of my chest - only when inhaling, so I had to breathe very shallowly to minimize pain. If I increased my breathing level, the pain escalated to the point of being unbearable.
I went to the emergency room and they admitted me and ran all kinds of heart tests, scans and lung x-ray and CT lung Scan with contrast.. With each of 2 small doses of morphine, the pain lessened, but did not disapear and I was weak and still could not breathe deeply. . After all of the tests, The doctors still could not determine what caused my pain. I was discharged from the hospital after approximately 43 hours. Over the next 3 days, the pain lessened and went away.
I still find it difficult (but not painful) to breathe deeply. I don't have much stamina and I feel frail and am afraid to speed up my gate.
I have always been young for my age and ran circles around younger people, but that is not the case since this event .
I sure would like to know what caused the painful breathing, and would like to be sure it does not reoccur. I am feeling better everyday, but am wondering if this might reoccur.
The only thing I could think of that I thought might have caused the problem (which nobody concurred with) was the fact that I do a lot of physically strenuous work around my house and in the yard. A couple of hours before this problem started to surface, I had yanked the lawnmower starter cord and 2/3 way through the pull, it internally caught and jerked me. At that point, I quit for the day. However, I had NO soreness or pain in any of my muscles or bones, not even when touched..
What do you think???
Thank you.
Janice. (68 years young - 5'5" 105 lbs.)