Thank you for replying to my question. Unfortunately because I live in the UK (Jersey)
I am unfamiliar with the drug names you have suggested. He is currently taking
Oxycodone 10 mgs b.d (twice daily) and
paracetamol 1G 4-6hrly. This does not relieve the pain but dulls it somewhat.
Diazepam makes him drowsy and he does not want to go down the tranquilliser route!
I am interested that you have suggested a back support because I would agree but this has been rejected by Health care proffessionals when mentioned.
I know my Father is getting on but he recently underwent
Prostate surgery and made a brilliant recovery despite having been incontinent and then catheterised for a considerable time (he was continent 2 days post op !)
He is also on anti coagulant therapy for the rest of his days and manages the abdominal
clexane injections which he has to be on for 6 wks post op. (he suffered a DVT & ? P.E in the past)
Obviously we are keen that Dad stays mobile for as long as possible to reduce the risk of further complications!.
Once again Thank you for your time and help.