Hi. My name is Lucia and I m from Croatia. I m 20 years old and 3 years ago I was diagnosed with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)- Nephrotic syndrome . With two biopsies of kidney it was confirmed that FSGS was caused by immune disorder . And everyone were asking themselves how to stop progress of kidney failure. My whole body was swollen, proteinuria was 54 gram per liter so I couldn t urinate, vomiting and sleeping were my everyday occupations. Of terapies, I was going from Medrol( methylprednisolone ), Cyclosporine(Sandimune), Endoxan (3 Bolus Therapies) to CellCept ( Mycophenolate Mofetil ). None of it worked except Cell Cept( but only after I was done with 3 times of plasmaferesis with Human normal Albumines 20%). Now, I am stable, my blood is ok, proteinuria is 1 gram per liter. Cholesterol is now normal, immunological findings are ok, except Immunoglobulin G which is very low. I suppose it is because of Cellcept, but am I right? If yes, will it ever be normal, and if no, do you have any answer?