Hello, sundar230,
I did go over all your blood work. Your liver enzymes are normal and
all your other blood work, like calcium,protein levels,
hemoglobin ,
kidney tests are all normal.
The serum
bilirubin, the indirect fraction is very minimally elevated.
Usually, Direct bilirubin is the main fraction. We see this sometime
in fasting state and a very rare genetic disorder called Gilbert's Syndrome.
Usually this is benign. Some people have
jaundice, especially during stress,
cold or flu, fasting,lack of sleep kind of symtoms.
You mention
weight loss, fatigue,and fullness of the stomach.
Stress can certainly do this, but, I recommend that you get an upper GI
series ,X-rays to make sure there is nothing going on in the stomach.
If any thing looks abnormal on x-rays, then you need
You can discuss this with your doctor.
I wish you well.