Hi Magdalena,
All the complaints that you have mentioned indicate a few things:
1. Many times because of low blood pressure these of complaints are seen. BP 96/66 indicates a low blood pressure. The normal level of BP is 120/80mm of Hg. In future anytime if you feel similar complaints drink lime water adding salt into it. salt will increase the sodium levels in your blood and water will be retained maintaining your BP.
Check your BP regularly and if you find its on lower side always and similar complaints are seen then regular intake of butter/pickle will help you.
2. Looking at your age 34 and being female there are less chances of you having any heart complaints because females are naturraly protected from heart diseases because of oestrogen.
But still seeing the complaints you had get and EKG done from doctor for confirmation.
3. Such kind of complaints are also seen in
anaemia which is commonly found in females. Check your
haemoglobin levels if possible or check the paleness of your nails, eyes etc.
If your HB is low have lots of fruits, jaggery, beet, spinach, dates, chicken
liver in your diet alomg with
iron supplements.
I hope this answer will help you.
Wish you a good health.