I have a problem in my left ear. It started when i was 11 - 12 years old. i am now 26. At the time I explained it to the Dr as a moth in my ear so they looked for a moth , they did a hearing test , they looked inside. I was reffered to ENT but they never made me cause the fluttering. they tested me standing up. The fluttering like a moth happens when I ; lay on a pillow and there is noise in the background (i can ONLY sleep on my left side if there is absolute silence - even a far distant heatpump will set me off, someone breathing (let alone snoring!) or a cellphone charging in the same room) , also if i tilt to the left side and there is noise, LOUD and sudden noises (like my 3 year old nephew yelling) , it occurs if im straight and standing only if a cold is coming on. I changed my sleeping habits to suit (never lay on my left side) i would never watch tv on the couch with my left ear down etc , so i just dealt with it. 1 year ago - i had my first child, i now live with my nephew too. playing on the floor and having them jump on me in bed - i have started to notice it more and more and more! even driving out the driveway and as i turned my head to check the back the fluttering started. Also my own voice sometimes can do it , head tilted or not. i have had two wisdom teeth cut in the last two years (i heard this could increase the problem) and i dont sleep anymore then 3- 4 hours straight at any given time. I have heart palpitations - cause undiagnosed. i had chemotherapy for leukaemia when i was 9 months old until i was three. i have had a few cases of tonsilitis but never had them removed. havent had it for a few years now. the fluttering : is hard to explain. sometimes i would say its like the noise you hear when your on a cellphone but the other person is in a windy area. it increases in volume and strength the louder the noise is . it starts real quick then slows down until the noise is stopped. i can FEEL the noise. sometimes i used to say it was like a vein on my eardrum and i could hear my heartbeat - but after listening to it and concentrating on it - its not my heartbeat - its either faster or slower depending on the level of the noise. it happens if i touch my face, tilted head or not. or touch my ear. i clean my ear with a cotton bud every few months and the right one is fine - the left one, i need to pull my ear down, its like the area is smaller, and after i finish i have a coughing fit - hence i dont do it unless i really have to ! it hurts. the dr did a pressure test with the earmuff (the one for kids) and that pressure hurt to. i really feel it has increased, im noticing it more and more often during my daytime , ive been taking conscious notice of it since the birth of my wee girl . my vision changed within 3 days of getting pregnant and the same with giving birth - i had to get glasses upgrades both times it was a huge significant change. i dont know if thats related. my heart palpitations almost completely went away since getting pregnant and til this day (am still breastfeeding) i went from having several a day to only experiencing 4 in the last 18 months. i chsnged my diet and am a lot happier now . i went to the dr about 6 weeks ago, he sent me for a hearing test (my daughter has unilateral hearing loss of the high frequency ) i passed with normal results. i explained to her everything, but she said go back to dr for a referral to ENT again. so now im wwaiting, without going private i am probably going to have to wait another 12 - 18 months. they re only seeing urgent cases and children. is there anything i can try during this time? any ideas on what it is ? should i go private? as i sit here typing this up my nephew yelled at me from the kitchen - my ear got set off. i yawned and it got set off. my daughter dropped her toy onto another toy and it got set off ... i think im getting a cold and thats why its worse then normal ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY! i have seen some posts about taking some meds - if this is suggested, please advise something that is breastfeeding friendly - i dont plan on giving that up to help myself . Thanks for anything at all ... Billie, NZ