Hello, sudabbi,
I am glad to hear that her endoscopy came ou t fine. That will rule
out any Inflammatory Bowel Diseases such as
ulcerative colitis,
Crohn's disease or other infectious causes. I am sure her doctor has
done blood and stoll studies as well.
As for the problem with
wheat allergy, there are two different situations.
A person could be just sensitive or allergic to gluten that is in wheat,
Barley or Oat products or have
Celiac Disease which is an auto-immune
mediated condition that affects the lining of the
small intestine where
the nutrients are absorbed. If she has this, she could have diarrhea,
weight loss due to poor absorption of food. She could have anemia,
low protein levels, low calcium levels etc. Celia disease can be diagnosed
with very good blood tests that are available . Anti Gliadin Antibodies,
Endomyseal Antibodies can detect the problem and later they can confirm
it by taking a sample tissue from the intestine.
Treatment is strict "Gluten Free Diet ".
There is plenty of information on line about the diet and disease.
Have her doctor discuss these or check with the Gastroenterologist that
did the endoscopic procedures.
Wish her good health.