Hello, Neide55,
Thanks for contacting HCM. I know it could be very frustrating to be
experiencing these symptoms which could affect your quality of life.
First of all , I am sure your doctors have ruled out any throat or lung
problems by appropriate tests , chest x-ray , ENT examination etc.
GERD can manifest in many ways and
chronic cough, especially at
night times could be very problematic in some. You are already
doing your part by elevating your head of the bed at night.
You mention that you have been on
Nexium for the past 11 days.
I want to make sure that you take this about 60-90 mins. before
your main meal. If a single dose is not helping , try taking it twice
a day again the last dose 60-90 mins. before your evening meal.
Don't snack at least 2 hours before bed time. Limit caffeine.
I am sure you are already avoiding tomato based products, dairy
like cheeses etc. Limit fatty foods as well because they can delay
stomach emptying and make the reflux problem worse.
I am glad that you are scheduled for
endoscopy. The doctor can
take a good look inside and determine how much damage is
there to the lining of the
esophagus and stomach.
I hope this helps you till you get final answers.
I wish you the very best.