I had a robotic hysterectomy last May for precancerous cells in the lining of the uterus. When they did the surgery, they found a boarderline tumor on my left ovary. They removed everything including 7 lymph nodes on my left side and pelvic tissue. Everything came back clean. I just had a 5 month check-up, and my gyn./oncologist said that I had granular tissue on the vaginal cuff. She scraped some off to biopsy, and then used the silver nitrate to treat it. I am concerned about the biopsy. I just had it done yesterday, so I haven't had time to get the results yet. I guess what I want to know is what she is really looking for the biopsy to tell her? Is she concerned about cancer spreading there? She acted like it could be scar tissue. If it is scar tissue, does the silver nitrate usually take care of it with one treatment, or does it sometimes take multiple treatments? It all took me so off guard that I didn't think to ask her any of these questions when I was there yesterday. I was having some dull cramping once in awhile, and I had spotting one time since surgery, plus a yellowish discharge sometimes which, now that I've read about granular tissue on the vaginal cuff, I realize that these were all symptoms of that. Anything you can tell me about granular tissue would be helpful. Thank you.