Semi pro female soccer athlete (goalkeeper) Happened 2 years ago in college- jumped up, collided midar and landed awkwardly left leg. Hyperextended the knee , felt bone to bone contact, grinding and pop. Bad pain for 10 secs then gradually went away. Was able to play rest of game but knee was tender. Next day could not bend much, swollen, sore and warm to the touch. MRI showed mild tear of Mencius and bone bruising on top of tibia . Team physican recommended surgery to clean it up since season just finished, referred me to ortho DR for football team and said for now rest and rehab , see how it feels. 2 years later slowly increased in pain; achy, sore, clicking, popping, semi locking where swing my leg when walking felt like tugging/pulling/separation. After games/training knee is sore, getting up after squatting/crouching hurts to walk/walk with a limp for bit. Sometimes had to stop walking/running and kick my leg out to crack/pop it to loosen it up. Had 1st experience of knee lock couple weeks ago, almost fell down. Scared heck out of me. Walked 20 ft and felt 3 big pops one after another. Preseason training is coming up, want to be in best condition and see if this needs further attention/surgical intervention or simply rest, ice , take meds, rehab and fight thru it. Time to see my dr?