Had skin cancer surgery on tip of my nose Oct 1. Biopsy came back that they got it all. During my follow up visit, doctor noticed I was burping A LOT. I told him I have urgency to go to the bathroom 5+ times a day, have to strain like crazy and then pass diareah, or loose smelly stools . He has scheduled a colonoscopy Jan 21, but yesterday and today when I went to the bathroom, there were both times 1 one inch long vein looking thing floating separate from my stool. Very red, looks just like a vein. I have pressure like pain in my left upper sometimes (goes away after a few good burps), and a dull ache below my belly button on either side that comes and goes. No one has really told me what they are looking for? Is it cancer again? With the new weird blood things, should I notify a doctor before the Jan 21 procedure?