If your doctor has examined and said that its not bacterial infection then you can take for burning sensation over tongue and may be ulcers---
i prescribe gargle-but u will have to make on ur own----
liq. lignocaine 1 bottle+Tab.
betnesol forte 4 tablets+Clotrin mouth paint
mix all three and shake it and use it for gargle 2 tsf three times a day,,but do spit it ,,,donot swallow it. this will also make mouth nub for some time so take it half hour before meals
Tab. Voveron D mix in half cup of water gargle it and then swallow it.
Betadine gargle 2 tsf in half glass of water for gargle three times a day,,spit it after gargle.
Take care of reflux ie acidity ,heart burn avoid constipation
write back after 5 days.