I have had wrist/ thumb pain for almost a year now and just within the past few weeks it has gotten extremely bad. The past week I have been in so much pain I can't sleep. I'm having pain at the bottoms of my wrists and into my thumb, at night I am waking up with horrific shoulder paid that is like a severe burning deep ache kind of pain, I can no longer make a fist or grip things such as my steering wheel, my hand feels huge but no visible swelling, the function in my left hand is almost completely gone and my right hand isn't far behind. I am in excruciating pain at this point even after stretching, ice/heat, brace and massage but the pain continues to get worse. I saw an orthopedic doctor who didn't even look at my hands and wrists or let me tell him the symptoms. I talked to a nurse who said it sounds like advanced carpal tunnel syndrome and needs to be fixed ASAP or damage could be permanent.....does this sound like carpal tunnel? If so since I've tried everything else is it time to consider surgery before I lose all function in both hands? Thank you so much!