Hello friend,
Your husband's continued
fever, chill,
fatigue, and chest complaints for 3 weeks gives the picture of some unresolved infection. If he has lost weight by 15 lbs within this 3 weeks time, he needs to be treated in a better way.
Diverticulitis is not an uncommon disease of the people of this age . Diverticula are certain pouches occurring in the colon especially in the
sigmoid colon. Therefore the pain and other discomfort in the left lower quadrant of abdomen can be due to the
diverticular disease, as shown in the
CT scan.
The present condition of your husband as explained in your question shows that he has not picked up from his disease. This is where my advise differ.
The idea that you were given to understand was that your husband is sick because his diverticulum of the colon is inflamed. You were told that an antibiotic to kill the bacteria will free the individual patient from disease.
Myself being a Homoeopath do not hold this idea. What we say is that he became sick and hence a particular part of the body is inflamed. The cause of the disease is in a dynamic state. That can even be a psychic problem which has affected him very badly and he has not come out free from it. Even it can happen like this also: the surrounding part of the colon became inflamed first and lymphatic tissue of the area as in the case of the appendicular tissue, (abdominal
tonsil) absorbed the inflammatory bye products and got inflamed as a scape goat. This is a defense mechanism of the body. For every type of conflicts in the psychic level, there are different organs to get affected. How one particular organ should get affected is determined by the genetics of an individual. We Homoeopaths call it the theory of Miasms. If the person is predominantly Psoric, the inflammation will be the result. If the person is predominantly Sycotic, the result will be induration and if the patient is Syphilitic, then there will be destruction, ulceration etc.
In order to get the exact picture of the present condition of the patient a detailed case taking is needed. His condition is not very simple because there are symptoms of unresolved inflammation and a very prominent wasting of losing 15 lbs within the 3 weeks. He has not come back to health. The chemical drugs have only removed , that also is doubtful, his inflammation. Those drugs have not done anything to cure the patient.
I would like to suggest that you may approach an expert Homoeopath to treat your husband. His case is to be studied in a very detailed manner. This will give some ideas what exactly is his mental conflict which made a drift in his health. Also his life situations and his reactions to them are to be considered along with his physical general symptoms which caracterises the individal in a genetic manner.
With this sort of detailed study, an expert Homoeopath will be able to select the constitutional remedy for the individualistic treatment of your husband.
Therefore, do not delay any more to take this step.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery through Homoeopathic treatment
Dr. C. J. Varghese