Hi, I was diagnosed by my family doctor as having CKD , he did urine and blood work-he said a ratio between creatin (sp?) and I think it was potassium-it was abnormal. I was given potassium tablets when in the hospital 24 hours prior in hospital when they did my blood work because of chest pain and a convulsion because it was low...My family doctor said my potassium is now normal range 4.5 He said this has been ongoing as I had protienurea with my pregnancy 11 years ago and I ve been told numerous times I m fighting something because my potassium has always been low. My face is also always tingling numb-like a tightning when you have had too much sun. I have an ultrasound booked in a months time, and am being referred to a kidney specialist...a month is a long time, is there a chance he could be wrong? I m sorry for the spelling errors and I hope I was clear. Thank you for your time. Jenny