I am 26 year old female, I weigh 115 pounds( underweight for my build, medium), and stand 5 2. I have catamenial epilepsy , and now things are getting desperate . I started having seizures(I have simple partials, complex partials, grandmal convulsion, and a hybrid grandmal convulsion where I m fully concious(sp) during the convulsion). I started having seizures in 2002. I am 26 years old. I lived off of Lamictal and keppera and then in 2010, I ran into the miracle drug - Depakote! I haven t had a convulsion in over 2 years after taking this and my simple partials were not nearly as many as back then(it was horrible back then!)! And I have only had two complex partials(which were very mild) withen that time line - but then, last year, the simple Partials started kicking up again. I was stuttering like I used to in those old horrible days. And to make things even worse - I had a convulsion just 2 weeks ago. I used to take sleeping pills for over a year(I stopped after the convulsion), and yes I m sure they took role in the simple partials after waking up in the morning cause I usually don t have any if I sleep without them(unless during my period). It s very hard to fall asleep. I ve had to miss out work many times cause sleep deprivation is a trigger for my seizures. But I am confused. That convulsion I recently had - what was the trigger? I had it in the early morning, waiting for my ride to work. I was on my period, but period-based convulsions usually occure in the late afternoon. Infact majority of my convulsions occure in the afternoon. Only missed-pill and drinking(it only happend once, I was just curious about what it s like being drunk - and it was not fun)convulsions happen in the morning - but usually interrupt sleep in the middle of the night. And I took my pills and did not drink. What can I do? Thanks for any help