Hi Doc
On 18 April 2013, I had flu injection. I had some symptoms for two days then they disappear.
On 10 June 2013, I got common cold and after 4 days symptoms disappear but I had a burning pain in neck and head that they persisted for 3 weeks.
I had a clear Head CT scan.
The burning pain has persisted and tingling and numbness have started. These symptoms have radiated to shoulder, back, upper arms, lower limbs and face.
On 17 July 2013 I had abnormal liver functions (GGTP 69 U/L, AST 51, ALT 104) (I don't drink at all). I was tested for all hepatitis (all negative) and I had a clean ultrasound of liver.
I repeated liver functions on 2 September 2013 and the results (GGTP 57, AST 35, ALT 92).
I had tingling and numbness and sometimes electrical shocks in my body especially at night. I had sweats at night sometimes (not excessive). Insomnia (every night) , Joint pain (ankles), anorexia (sometimes), Palpitation, sometimes I feel my pulse everywhere in my body, tremor in hands, shaky voice (sometimes), discomfort in liver area (sometimes), depression.
I still have tingling and numbness in legs and arms sometimes, back pain, low grade fever 36.5 - 37C max 37.5 three times), sore throat, weakness.